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Court to Chase RONI over dual-citizenship

  In a release dated 1st January, 2024 signed by the General Secretary of the Party, Mr. Justin Kodua Frimpong, the New Patriotic Party outlined the modalities for the vetting of parliamentary aspirants across the country ahead of its Parliamentary Primaries slated for January 27th 2024. The exercise however ended on Friday, 5th January, 2024 across the country.  While the process has reportedly been smooth and less controversial in many constituencies across the country, there has been scores of allegations and discontentment especially following the disqualification of some aspirants.  On Wednesday, 3rd January, 2024 our reporters visited the Greater Accra Regional Vetting Center in Teshie to observe proceedings. In the Ablekuma West Constituency, the incumbent Member of Parliament, Mrs Ursula Owusu-Ekuful who is also the Minister of Communications and Digitalization faces opposition from Mr. Robert Nicole a Former Deputy Managing Director of the State Housing Company. While the vett
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Ursula is a Joke & a Coward! - Youth Organizer

  The Constituency Youth Organizer of the NPP, in the Ablekuma West Constituency, Mr. Lazarus Lomo Jones has described the member of Parliament for the area, Mrs. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful as a joke and a coward. This statement was made publicly on a WhatsApp platform, OCCUPY Ablekuma West and screenshots have gone viral on many other platforms. For now, it is not know what may have caused the Constituency officer to publicly run down the MP but sources say this is not the first time he has run down the member of Parliament. Your authoritative Ghana News Point will keep you informed on anything that comes up. Find the screen shot below.

opinion - Captain Smart has been exposed!

I have watched, with dismay, a viral video in which Captain Smart, a supposed journalist with Adom Fm, is seen and heard raining insults and invoking curses on the people who superintended over the creation and launch of the COVID-19 App. The content of the video has also been reproduced by online and broadcast media including ghanaweb. It is the opinion of the uninformed journalist that state money has been expended on a 'useless' facility when people and institutions are in dire need of financial support for medical care especially in this COVID season. To start with, the fact that Mr. Smart could not boldly address the Hon. Minister of Communications, Mrs Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, who has been speaking to this matter, in his needless rants and innuendos is testimony of the fact that he is timid, a coward and not ready to take the bull by the horn. For somebody who claims to be a journalist of good standing, I expected that Captain Smart will apply his senses more to the

Ursula Owusu appointed to chair NPP's National Women's Conference Committee.

Ghana News Point can authoritatively confirm that Mrs. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, Minister of Communications and Member of Parliament for the Ablekuma West Constituency has been appointed to chair an eminent committee set up to organize the first ever National Women's Conference of the New Patriot Party. In a letter signed by the National Women's Organizer of the New Patriotic Party, Mad. Kate Gyamfua, Hon. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful's appointment is made in lieu of her immense contribution to the various Constituency women's organizers and the National Women's Wing of the NPP. Mrs. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful is widely known for her women empowerment and advocacy projects geared towards ensuring the unhindered participation of women in politics and decision making The theme of the conference will be to 'mobilize women for victory 2020 and beyond' as well as bring together all the women leadership within the NPP to chart a new path for the victory of the NPP.

Ghana Meteorological Agency Act Amended! - Staff hail Ursula

Parliament on Friday, 2nd August, 2019 passed the Ghana Meteorological Agency amendment bill 2019 which seeks to define and specify the fees and charges the Ghana Meteorological Agency can recover for Aeronautical services provided to the Aviation industry. The Ghana Meteorological Agency is a state institution established under the Ghana Meteorological Agency Act, Act 682, 2004 to provide climate and weather information to ensure the socio-economic development of the country. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO), in line with the Chicago Convention of 1944 which Ghana ratified on 9th March 1957 enjoins the Ghana Meteorological Agency to provide Aeronautical services to the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority to ensure the safety of Ghana's Airspace. In fulfillment of this obligation, the Ghana Meteorological Agency, among other things, provides aerodrome forecast, aerodrome warning, METAR, TAFS, SIGMET, en

Climate Watch Ghana commends Government for amending GMet Act.

Climate Watch Ghana, a non-governmental organization into climate research and advocacy, has come out, in a statement released on Monday, 6th August, 2019 and signed by its executive director, Dr. Bashiru Moro, to commend the Management of the Ghana Meteorological Agency, led by the Acting Director General, Dr. Michael Tanu, the Minister of Communications, Hon. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful and for that matter government for seeing to the amendment of of the Ghana Meteorological Agency establishment act, Act 682, 2004 to provide for a more sustainable and reliable source of funding so as to properly position the Agency to deliver on its mandate. Read full statement below. "We at Climate Watch Ghana wish to commend the Management of the Ghana Meteorological Agency led by the Director-General, Dr. Michael Tanu, and especially the Minister of Communications, Hon. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful and for that matter the Government for seeing to the amendment of the Ghana Meteorological Agency e

Ablekuma West MP Initiates 'Toilet For All' Program - aimed at resolving Cholera Menace

In statement released today, Saturday, 20th July 2019, the member of Parliament for the Ablekuma West Constituency has reiterated her commitment to downscaling the Cholera menace in her Constituency.  Read full statement below: "Ablekuma West Constituency has always been cited among the most Cholera prone areas in the Greater Accra Region.  In 2014, the Greater Accra Regional Health Directorate in a report reviewed 1126 Cholera cases recorded in the region. The report revealed that 223 representing about 20% (the highest percentage) of the cases were from the Ablekuma Sub Metropolis with Dansoman and Mambrobi featuring prominently in the list of affected communities. The high cholera prevalence  in the Ablekuma West Constituency  is attributable to poor sanitary conditions and the absence of proper and hygienic toilet facilities. Apart from the Dasnoman Estates, the sanitation situation in most parts of the Ablekuma West Constituency is terrible; many of the homes

Stallone Nyarko Appointed "Life Patron"

Ghana News Point can authoritatively confirm the appointment of Mr. Stallone Nyarko as the "Life Patron" of the Ablekuma South Youth Wing. This was contained in a letter dated 1st September, 2018 and signed jointly by Kojo Hayford and Kendrick Ansah, both Youth organizer and Deputy Youth Organizer respectively. Mr. Nyarko, who holds a first degree in Political Science and a Masters degree in Oil Economics, both from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and technology, is expected to bring to bare his vast experience in youth mobilization and steer a strategic leadership in the Ablekuma South Youth Wing. Already, Mr. Nyarko has been deeply involved in youth empowerment activities of the New Patriotic Party. He was a leading member of Tescon, KNUST and doubled as the Public Relations Officer of Unity Hall, KNUST. He currently occupies the position of Research and Elections officer in the Ablekuma West Constituency. Mr. Stallone Nyarko served as Parliamentary Rese

BenEssien Presents Manifesto to ATL - Favorite to win ATL Presidency

Benjamin Essien and Linda Owusuaa Boakye, President and Vice Presidential candidates of Atlantic Hall, UCC, have presented their manifesto of 'Hope and Restoration' to residents of the hall. In the carefully drafted manifesto that cuts across every sphere of student life Team BenEssien, as they both are called, have outlined how they will restore hope to ATL. Key points to note in the Manifesto of Hope and restoration is the Team's plan to develop a comprehensive 5 year investment plan for the hall. The investment plan is expected to be the blueprint of development in the hall and shall be aligned to the development Plan of the University. The team also hopes to liaise with the vibrant alumni association to solicit support to undertake development projects in the hall. The team has also pledged to give the hall a Hybrid library to augment what the hall already has when voted into power. In the area of security and welfare, Team BenEssien has promised to build